How not to fall victim to these badUSB devices?
- Don’t accept (weird) usb devices or insert them if you don’t know their origins.
- Use an USB Condom or USB dust caps or protector caps, but these things only really help when you leave your devices unattended for VERY short amounts of time.
- Threathening people with violence when they insert foreign usb devices in your computer is an option but generally frowned upon by HR (yes this is a joke, don’t use violence!)
but let’s assume that one day someone IS able to plug-in a badUSB in your computer..
- Don’t keep passwords in txt-files on your pc. Use one of the many password managers out there! (bitwarden, keepass, lastpass, protonpass, …)
- Only use your admin account for those times you actually need it.
- Multi-factor authentication is absolutely helpful as malicious actors need more than just your password to do naughty stuff on your account!
How can we detect badUSB abuse?
- USB forensics is… special and so we shouldn’t always trust its data.
- Sure, there are some tools out there.
- More interesting is doing command line logging which can be done in multiple ways.
- It might surprise you that windows doesn’t really do that out-of-the-box
- Things like enabling constrained language mode also help
Bottom line: defense in depth is key, always.